Eclipse Phase Rules Wiki

Exoskeletons are powered mechatronic skeleton frameworks worn by a person. Servo-hydraulic joints allow the exoskeleton to be maneuvered by mimicking the wearer’s own movements, as well as enhancing their strength. Exoskeletons may also be piloted electronically. A character wearing an exoskeleton (other than the trike or transporter) maneuvers as normal, because the exoskeleton is like an extension of their own body. A character jamming an exoskeleton remotely uses Pilot: Walker skill (except for the trike and transporter).

  • Battle Suit: The battle suit powered exoskeleton features a military-grade fullerene armor shell with flexible aerogel for thermal insulation and a diamond-hardened exterior designed to resist even potent ballistic and energy-based weapons. The suit also enhances the wearer’s strength and mobility, applying a +10 bonus to strength-based tests, inflicting an extra +1d10 damage and AP of –2 on melee attacks, and doubling the distance by which the character may jump. Battlesuits are completely sealed to protect the wearer from environmental factors, and fitted with life support features and a maker (p. 327) capable of recycling all wastes and producing air for up to 48 hours and food and water indefinitely. Battle suits are equipped with each an ecto (p. 325), a radio booster (p. 313), and sensors equal to specs (see p. 325). These suits have an Armor Value of 18/18 (not cumulative with any other armor) and protect the wearer from temperatures from –175 to 140 C. [Expensive]
  • Exowalker: Exowalkers are minimal framework exoskeletons, primarily designed to bolster the wearer’s strength and movement. They provide a an Armor Value of 2/4, a +10 modifier to strength-based tests, and double the distance by which the character may jump. [Moderate]
  • Hyperdense Exoskeleton: These powered exoskeletons are larger (roughly twice human-sized) and built for heavy-use industrial purposes, such as handling heavy/large objects. The wearer is partially encapsulated to protect them from debris and industrial accidents. Hyperdense exoskeletons provide no movement bonus, but provide a +30 bonus to strength-based tests and inflict an extra +3d10 damage and –5 AP on physical attacks. They have an Armor Value of 6/12. [Expensive]
  • Transporter: This exoskeleton framework includes a pair of vector-thrust turbofan engines, giving the user flight capabilities in gravity and increased maneuverability in zero-G. It provides partial protection to the wearer with an Armor Value of 2/4. Piloted with Pilot: Aircraft skill. [High]
Aircraft Passenger Capacity Handling Movement Rate Max Velocity Armor Durability Wound Threshold
Battlesuit 1 8/32 30 18/18 60 12
Exowalker 1 8/40 40 2/4 30 6
Hyperdense Exoskeleton 1 8/20 30 6/12 100 20
Transporter 1 +10 8/40 200 2/4 50 10
Trike 1 +10 8/40 120 2/4 50 10